Friday, February 23, 2007

basket u recima

que: e cao
vidam rane :)

que: ma da, i bilo je grubosti dosta
mislim, mene to nekad iritira
ja napravim u proseku 3-4 faula za celo vece

qoi: ja 2

que: i onda ocekujem to i od drugih

qoi: problem je sto je g. bio duplo bolji od najboljeg igraca

que: ti imas rad kukom koji je nekad opasan...
nije g. nesto outstanding

qoi: ha ha spanski dencer

que: mislim, nema balansa to se slazem
pazi, realno niko ne moze da cuva g. pod kosem
ali, ako cemo po pravilima kosarkaske igre, ne moze od ove ekipe niko ni mene da cuva kad sam na 6-7m od kosa i oslobodjena stramna
i onda ti debalansi stvaraju te grubosti
inace si ti sjajno igrao juce

qoi: ja mislim da je p. napravio veliki pomak juce

que: ali kazem ti, meni su problem ti faulovi
jer, ako ja adjustujem nivo toughnessa u napadu na nivo grubosti ju odbrani, onda ce to svi da urade i onda tuca
mislim, kao G. ulazi
vi ga objektivno jeste svaki put faulirali

qoi: pa objektivno je 90 kontakta faul

que: pa nije, u tome je fora
sto nije

qoi: 90%

que: ja sam cuvao onog vaseg saigraca i iako ima 20cm prednosti u visini nije mi dao NIJEDAN poen

qoi: realno ja svaki put kada udjem me izubijaju

que: pa, da, ali te ne izubijam ja :)

qoi: pa to govori kakav je on smor od lika

que: pa nije samo to

qoi: pa bogme jesi me juce zapalio
dosta ozbiljno.

que: e do kurca, nezno sa ledja

qoi: jako nezno

que: pa ne seri

qoi: nemoj ti

que: nisam se zaustavio i produzio sam 10cm
bio je faul, apsolutno, ali ne moze se reci da je bio grub, a ni nameran

qoi: meni su sve to faulovi.

que: da

qoi: nisam pomislio da je juce bilo grublje nego inace

que: ali sam ja imao 3-4

qoi: bio je i grub i nameran, zato si se i izvinjavao. a bio je sa ledja. u letu.

que: kazem ti okej je, samo pomeranje noge i kuka je opasno

qoi: nije bio opasan.

que: nije bio nameran, a grub, mozda malo

qoi: spanski dencer sindrom. da.
to imas prava. ja zelim da svoj kuk uvalim negde sto vise mogu, posto je izdrzljiv kao stena.

que: izvinio sam se odmah za faul

qoi: pa jesi se izvinio. ne bi se izvinio da je bilo bezazleno.

que: e ali sad bez zezanja, to sa kukom je jebenop, to radi B. uvek
i P. cesto

qoi: da da, sledeci put donosim crne cipelice, da se bolje slajdam po parketu.
a izmedju basketa izvodim tap dens numere.

que: my point is... nije trebalo da igra onaj lik sa tobom i P.
nego neko ko bolje igra

qoi: dobro, timovi su bili tu negde. da si stavio najgora 2 igraca sa g., opet bi bili najaca ekipa. tako da ja nisam nezadovoljan podelom.

que: to da

qoi: mislim, mi smo vas dobili 2 puta. od koliko smo i igrali.

que: mada i nije, pazi, Pdj. i N. su jaci od P.

qoi: tako da mozda je trebalo poraditi na vasoj ekipi.
anyway, to ti kazem, pdj je super igrao. bas dobro.

que: ne, ne mislim da je to problem

qoi: nema problema, nego ste bili najslabiji.
mada ako je vama bilo ok...

que: jedini nismo bili bahati u odbrani
mada sam insistirao na tome :)

qoi: pa to kazem, bili ste najlosiji.

que: da
anyway, my point je da je pocelo da me smara da igram najfinije u odbrani (na stranu faul na tebi za koji sam se izvinio) a da ne smem da udjem pod kos
to menjam prvom prilikom, s kim god da igram

qoi: da i meni je uzasno sto svaki put kada udjem pod kos me neko izubija

que: podignuti laktovi pri ulazu, pa izvolte
samo tako

qoi: tako je, ja kolenima nabadam

que: ne, ozbiljno

qoi: pa ko voli nek izvoli
i ja sam ozbiljan

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

kazu povukao sam se

Ljudi mi pisu. Zaustavljaju na ulici. Kazu mi gde si bre na blogu..... ok pogresan uvod.

Ali imam par stvari da podelim sa vama.

Jedan verovatno bivsi kolega je poslao javni mail. Citiram ga ovde:

"pre par dana gledam utakmicu Boston-Lakersi....u dvorani pozorisna atmosfera, boston slab a Kobe rastura....sve ga ide osim slobodnih bacanja...tu nije mogao da se sastavi s loptom....i u jednom napadu rookie Bostona, Rondo se dere da fauliraju Kobe-a cim primi lopu jer ga ne idu penali....Green ga faulira, Kobe ide na liniju penala i ladno se
okrene prema Rondu i kaze:"pusi ku.....c" na srpskom...Radmanovic koji se sprema za skok se cepa od smeha....."


Neki znaju da sam imao aferu sa Ali G, smatram njegovo delo masterpieceom. Ovaj bit o NBAu je zanimljiv zbog nama relevantne teme, ali daleko je od najboljih momenata.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Da se nadovežem...

Prenosim ovaj tekst u celosti, svi vi koji učestvujete u ovom blogu znate da je ovo jedna od mojih opsesija... Misterija se (možda) rešava...

USC lobs calls to Miner, hoping that one connects
So spectacular a performer that he was dubbed "Baby Jordan" while still a prep star at Inglewood High, Miner has retreated into semi-seclusion, friends say.
By Jerry Crowe, Times Staff Writer
February 12, 2007

Baby Jordan
Baby Jordan
click to enlarge
USC would love to honor Harold Miner, its all-time scoring leader in men's basketball. The Trojans would love to post Miner's considerable accomplishments on the Galen Center scoreboard — All-American, 23.5-point scoring average, Sports Illustrated national player of the year, 4-2 record against UCLA — and trot him out to center court so a capacity crowd could shower him with applause.

If only they could find him.

TNT would have loved to interview Miner last season for a television special documenting the most spectacular dunks in the history of the NBA's annual slam dunk competition, won twice by the gravity-defying Miner.

If only he'd returned calls.

But he hasn't.

Miner, so spectacular a performer that he was dubbed "Baby Jordan" while still a prep star at Inglewood High, has retreated into semi-seclusion, friends say. They say that the former Miami Heat and Cleveland Cavaliers guard, nearly 11 years removed from an unremarkable NBA career that ended after 3 1/2 seasons and only 200 games, lives outside Las Vegas with his wife and their young daughter. Other than his family, his main interest, he has told friends, is buying and selling real estate.

No surprise to his old comrades, Miner, 35, did not return calls from The Times requesting an interview for this story.

Even for old friends, it seems, he's not easy to reach.

"For the most part, he has kind of dropped off the face of the earth in terms of his basketball connections," says Gary Pine, a former USC sports publicist who kept in contact with Miner for several years after Miner left school and, in August 1999, attended Miner's lavish wedding at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Says Duane Cooper, a former USC teammate who says he last spoke to his reclusive friend after running into him at SeaWorld San Diego two summers ago and chatting him up for about an hour: "It's very difficult to get ahold of him."

Adds Cooper: "He's fine. He just enjoys being anonymous."

George Raveling, the former USC coach, hopes Miner is not still fretting over the inability to live up to expectations.

"You don't see much of him, and I often wonder if it's because he feels like he was a failure because he didn't make it in the league when everybody thought he was going to be a star," says Raveling, now a Nike representative. "I always felt the worst thing to happen to Harold was the 'Baby Jordan' tag."

He wore it well at USC, where in three seasons the left-hander came to be as well known for his quirky mannerisms — touching his nose to teammates as well as inanimate objects, rubbing his fingers together near his ears because he enjoyed the sound it made, caressing the ball before shooting free throws — as his electrifying scoring touch. The Trojans, 26-62 in the three seasons before his arrival, were 55-32 in Miner's three seasons, twice reaching the NCAA tournament.

In the 1991-92 season, when Shaquille O'Neal was a junior at Louisiana State and Alonzo Mourning a senior at Georgetown, the USC junior was Sports Illustrated's pick as national college player of the year.

He tearfully announced that he was turning pro, was taken by the Heat with the 12th pick in the '92 draft and signed a five-year, $7.3-million contract. He signed an endorsement deal with Nike that reportedly was worth $14 million.

Miner was a fan favorite in Miami, where he was mostly utilized as a reserve and averaged 9.6 points and 20 minutes a game over three seasons, but his coaches questioned his shot selection and inattention to defense. Lakers assistant coach Brian Shaw, who played two seasons with him in Miami, says Miner struggled adjusting to a team concept after being given the green light to shoot at will in college.

Still, "if you isolated him inside and just gave him the ball," Shaw adds, "he was virtually unstoppable because he just had that one-on-one, playground-type game and finished so strong. He was just a tremendous individual talent."

In the last of his four NBA seasons, Miner averaged 3.2 points and 7.2 minutes for the Cavaliers before a knee injury ended his season. He played five scoreless minutes in his last NBA game, a 26-point loss to the Chicago Bulls on Feb. 20, 1996, and two weeks later had knee surgery.

He retired after the Toronto Raptors cut him in October 1996.

"When Cleveland let him go, he could have gone over to Greece for some big dollars," Raveling says. "He probably would have played well enough over there that he could've come back to the NBA and played, or at least he would have made a substantial amount of money.

"But Harold was always kind of a loner and a homebody, and he probably just didn't feel like he could assimilate into a foreign culture."

Pine says that when he joined Miner for lunch not long after the Raptors cut him, Miner left the impression that he'd had enough of professional basketball.

"He indicated that he wasn't fond of the lifestyle," Pine says.

Pine, now associate athletic director at Azusa Pacific, remembers telling his friend that, no matter what, he would always have a home at USC.

"I said, 'Harold, you can be the favorite son of USC basketball for a long time because of the good memories they have of your time there,' " Pine says. "I said, 'If you remain friendly to USC, they're going to love you, they're going to help you, they're going to be your biggest supporter.'

"For whatever reason, that wasn't of great interest to him."