Pistol Pit...

"My life," Maravich once said, "had no meaning at all. With everything I tried, I found only brief interludes of satisfaction. It was like what my whole life had been about, my whole basketball career, all of it. I found brief interludes of ego satisfaction. "There is nothing wrong with dedication and goals, but if you focus on yourself, all the lights fade away and you become a fleeting moment in life. I lived my life one way for 35 years, for me. And then the focus came in on what I really was."
that is so true
always be not what, but who you are
ovo je (bio) odlican blog sa duhovitim i inteligentnim postovima. sta se desilo??? gde ste nestali.
takodje, zasto ne zabranite Harpliju da postuje... sta je njemu? on ko da ismejava sebe.
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