Ubiće me Harpli Džarpli...

što ovako sipam postove, ali morao sam. Našao sam meni jako simpatičan (pomalo i tužan) način kako kolege iz Britanije rešavaju Human Resources probleme... Dakle:
We have a advanced-level basketball game every Monday at 9:15pm in Wimbledon, and need a few more players.
It's full-court at a fantastic sports hall, and it's a good level friendly game.
We regularly get together for various social events.
Are you aged between 18 and 35? Have you played of lot of team basketball before? Would you like to come and play at our basketball game?
Please reply with your name, age, mobile, and e-mail.
Ko ne veruje, evo...
prvo nisam bio siguran da li je u pitanju gay ad ili autentican vapaj za pomoc jos jednoj raspadajucoj amaterskoj ekipi.
kako si ovo naso!!!!
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